Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Counter terror - Shangri-la

It is billed as "The first Counter-Terrorism Experts Conference or (CTEC)" meaning it is the first time officials will discuss in a forum effective programs and failures in counter terrorism that are taking place all over the globe.
Setting it in a major resort - one of the most beautiful settings in Asia should focus the delegates attention to prime targets for terror groups in the region have been setting their eyes on.

This is not a time to wander about Mactan Island I can imagine the security level there will be high and traffic to and from the City a bit more than usual. The conference which runs for two days - April 20th  22 April that the Philippine Government is hosting at the Shangrila-Mactan Island Resort, Cebu.
Well considering the guests - I guess the Pool and beach will be relatively not too crowded.
" In a press statement, conference chairambassadorr Benjamin Defensor disclosed that more than 30 countries will be joining the event in the war against terror and terrorist."

The report release by Philippine Government went on to say - "The ConferenceÂs overall theme shall ÂDefeating Dilemmas in Counter-Terrorism says Philippine information agency press release to media.
"Those present will be attending workshops with five sub-themes: Strengthening the Basics; Finding a Realistic Middle Ground; Understanding Regional and Sub-Regional Approaches; Bridging the Gaps and Balancing Assistance; Paving the Middle Way."
" The CTEC program shall follow a plenary  panel discussion format and participated in by experienced counter-terrorism practitioners, policymakers, civil society leaders, renowned scholars, and joined by guests and representatives of participating countries."
Objectives set at this time:
(a) To identify key dilemmas and difficulties in fighting terrorism from global, regional and national perspectives;
(b) To map areas of convergence in counter-terrorism efforts through exploration of strategic and practical responses which address peculiar causes and conditions, harmonize CT capacity-building, and allow states to sustain peace and development strategies while prosecuting the war on terror;
(c) To come up with a declaration, establishing the common counter-terrorism position of experts, particularly the Âmiddle way for those that live with and take direct responsibility for dealing with the threat.