Thursday, April 13, 2006
A policy keeps families apart

Every time I see a story like this one- it makes me fume...
"Next month, visas will be issued to the Philippines sons and daughters of someone here in the United States, if a visa application was submitted on or before 1991. ..
Yes 1991 - meaning if a applicant applies now - it is normal to expect a 15 year wait if they are planning to apply for a Visa to immigrate to the USA.
The Department of State makes will you wait even longer to bring a brother or sister of an adult US citizen. In the case of the Philippines, that brother or sister would have had to submit an application back in 1983."
Yes - 1983 -
The story in a simplistic answers goes on to say - "It (the state department) wants to make sure people from all over the world are given the same opportunity to legally immigrate, which is why some visa applications take much longer."
So "the Department of State" makes it more difficult to come from certain countries is that it feels those countries are "Well represented there in the USA."
Meaning - in simple terms - they are holding back a flood - Go to the US embassy say in London, Berlin, Ireland Tel Aviv- head over to American services- at those locations there are "help desks" for applicants to fill out forms- even days

At the US embassy in Manila - the visa section officers for example - at branch of American services are forbidden to give advice - the sign is there- when you ask a question - they say go online or worse yet- fill out the form- when you go to where the forms are there are - NONE-
So most US citizens on visa matters involving their families here often are referred to a list of lawyers - ironically- most of the Popular immigration lawyers for the US Embassy- for some reason once worked there... Or in very similar offices... Makes one wonder... Doesn't it?
Is not that... a clique- a racket- a organized form of manipulation to keep people from knowing the truth... Sure if one were to look at the websites that are out there for Visa advice- many based in Manila boast of former US embassy staff on the rosters?.
Many immigration law firms advertised online or in "ethnic community newpapers" in the US of A boldly proclaim the same.

I wonder should the FBI be looking into why- indeed a organized form of making paperwork pile up be held back for so long... Or why no forms are available-I am not talking about the immigrant section- I am talking about an Area supposed to be for US citizens.
Also why are some law firms with former employees are on the Embassy "A" list then one looks at the backlog... Puts two and two together- and I see a great story I could do.
Any new investigator assigned here or in the US could also see a RICO level investigation into how those things could happen perhaps?
What set me off- was when one of my editors from Fox News called me up the other day from the Fox Washington DC bureau to check on a woman's story- she had told a reporter that her paperwork had taken twenty- yes- twenty years to process.
In disbelief- she called me to have me check on the facts- In a quick review and couple of phone calls we found out an average of 15-20 years is normal.... NO I AM NOT JOKING.
Now one understands why - There are strong lobby groups in Washington - many set-up by Law firms to keep the status quo in place- So allegedly- many immigration Law firms - some of whom advertise services in the USA are partly to blame- to them keeping the status-quo quo- means more work for them. The average consultation fee is $1,500 - to expedite paperwork- another $8,000 on the average a study of the Texas based southern poverty community center claims.
So go to any US city where there is a large immigrant community- Pick up any issue of any "ethnic" paper in the USA and you will find - pages after pages of legal centers - para-legal advisors - and immigration centers ... a entire industry built and kept in place to get around the dams and paperwork backlog that if the State department wanted could be erased in a few months.
Yes- a few months-
How? By putting more people on duty to verify documents. Cost too much?
No- Each application currently costs $480 to submit - multiply that by tens of thousands in the last few years - and poof - that's tens of millions of dollars of funds available.
Where could they find the people? Easy- hire newly graduated students in the USA - set up documentation verification centers and link them online - technology would allow them to verify each document from centers online on secure intranets-Then perhaps fill up the Seafront complex or hire out local hotel or convention centers and fill them with staff and local researchers -
Hire also local teams manpower teams to go over the paperwork. Scan - zap and send them over to the USA- verify- give people definite answers who ar languishing in long lines of red tape. Or deliberate red tape- legal lobbyist groups and yes- bigoted views of some sectors who want to keep a :false and illegal racial balance policy in place" says the report from the Southern California center for minorities and migrants.
In a few months by some estimates- the over estimated 700,000 pending applications could be processed and the backlog erased- all it would take is a team of several hundred people- using computer technology and field teams of people that could verify and erase the backlog.
In few months time there would be 700,000 new visas issued or denied - a backlog could be erased.
But some say it will never happen - why - "Bigotry" plain and simple - the purpose of the "policy rules" not laws... Per state department policy guidelines is to
"To make sure people from all over the world are given the same opportunity to legally immigrate, which is why some visa applications take much longer." - other words... Impose racial quota's - immigrants from Russia or European countries are fastracked- why- look at Los Angeles County for example - Hispanics make up 40% of the population - Asians 12% in America's largest city by population whites have become a minority- in many other US cities it is the same - hence- somebody is allowing countries with moslty "European" read "Caucasian" populations faster processing times - while holding back paperwork for people who are legally supposed to be in the USA - but happen to be a person of color.
So Mexicans, Filipinos, Asians, are pushed to the back of the bus or rear of the piles as it were in the eyes of some NGO's.
If the laws were just followed there would be no backlog - the purpose of the "rules"... At least in my eclectic view of this blog is simple - to keep the "ethnic balance" ... Meaning - racial segregation in immigration.
So... Long waits for Filipinos who on the average spend as much as Two decades!!! While waiting for paperwork approval is that could be done in days. Is nothing short of criminal bigoted policy that is no where found in US law.
Why? If the 700,000 or so pending applications were approved in say a few month- then they as new immigrants could petition a few more relatives - also in some cases one visa means - if the LIFE program - a earlier attempt to get backlogs erased - relatives of immigrants and citizens where cleared-up- and the deluge that followed - caused new policy changes to be put in place.
For instant immigration laws at present allow for minor children and spouses in most cases to accompany the legal migrant - now an average of four persons for each immigrant would be allowed in ... Meaning the 700,000 figure which is an estimate given by migration NGO's - would balloon up to 2.8 million.
Each expected to file in many cases for more relatives - who in turn will apply for more ... Meaning a nightmare for the racists who make these policies that conflict with Law.
remember this is an issue of Law! But a racist policy - set in place by people no different from people who set aside water fountains and disallowed certain races from Marriage in the USA in the early 1900's
These same Bigots are acting as "praetorians of a new Rome" - keeping the "hordes" as one diplomat once told me over one two many drinks, "in place."